Muscota New School PA

Get involved


We welcome and encourage all parents and guardians to join in. There are many ways to be involved.


Ways to get involved


Attend PA meetings

The PA holds monthly general meetings. Reminders about the monthly meetings are sent via email. Please subscribe to the Muscota Google Calendar so you don’t miss them.

View schedule of PA meetings

Join a committee

Parents play an important role as collaborators and leaders in the artistic and cultural life of Muscota. Find out more about our parent-and teacher-led committees.

Join a committee

Please join a volunteer team

The PA organizes a variety of social and fundraising events throughout the year. Whether you want to help plan or just volunteer the day of the event, we welcome any help you’re able to provide.

Find an event to help with or

Sign up here

Be a Class Parent

Class parents are the liaison between the teachers and the families and are vital to the smooth operation of the school. In this position, you will work directly with the teacher, provide communication between families and teachers and organize parent volunteers for class projects and field trips.

Sign up here

Volunteer in the classroom

Opportunities to help out abound. Volunteer to chaperone, as a mystery reader, assist with an activity, help with an event. To get started, ask the classroom’s class parent or your child’s teacher.

Elective classrooms need help too, read below.

Join the School Leadership Team

Every NYC school has a School Leadership Team (SLT) comprised of an equal number of parents and teachers. As an advisory board, the SLT ensures the school community is part of the decision making process for school-wide educational policies. If you’d like to take on a leadership role, elections are held every spring at the final June meeting.

Help an Elective Class

Find contact information that suit your interests and talents.



Contact music educator Xiomara Niño

Join the Music Volunteers Whatsapp group.

FINE arts

Contact fine arts educator Matías Añón


Contact drama educator Dayna Beegun

Physical Education

Contact educator Cynthia Montano


Contact science educator Laura McCluskey

Join the Parent Association Executive Board

All parents and guardians of students currently attending Muscota are automatically members of the Parent Association. And, as a member, you’re qualified to become one of the PA’s officers. Elections are normally held in June.

PA Executive Board Position Descriptions

The following are intended to be brief, common-sense guides to the various Parents Association Executive Board positions. For the official language concerning these roles, please see the bylaws.

To learn more about any particular role, without signaling any commitment, please contact to get in touch with a current or former office-holder. 

* = co-office-holders are allowed

President *
The President position offers opportunities to influence the direction and priorities of the Parents Association. The President presides at PA meetings and Executive Board meetings, is the Board member usually in the closest contact with the principal and vice principal, and when necessary delegates projects among other Board members.

Vice President *
The role of Vice-President is both necessary and flexible. It has been recent practice that VPs, in cooperation with the President, shape their roles to suit their interests and talents. Sometimes a VP may take ownership of a large and important project or event.

Recording Secretary
The RS keeps minutes of the general PA meetings and at the Executive Board meetings. He or she is responsible for presenting the general PA minutes publicly in time for them to be voted for approval at the meeting following that at which they were recorded.

Corresponding Secretary
The CS is the voice of the Executive Board most frequently in touch with the larger Muscota community. Traditionally, the CS has delivered a weekly-or-so communication containing anything the Board needs/wants to share with everyone else.

The CS also monitors the email inbox (not alone by any means) to take note of incoming messages from parents or outside organizations that may need the attention of the Board.

The basic responsibilities are keeping the content up to date, adding new pages and buttons for fundraising as needed (working with the Treasurer in this regard), and removing outdated content. That’s the basics. If you have something more ambitious in mind, and have time, that’s fantastic; there is plenty of room for you to do great things.

We use Squarespace. And that interacts with our G-suite. If you know how to, or can learn to, work with that setup, you should be OK.

The Treasurer is responsible for the maintenance of the financial records of the PA; jointly with the President to see that taxes are filed; to address any 501c3 status issues that may arise (not expected); for monitoring reimbursements of teacher and parent expenses (this has been mostly automated); and for preparing, with the assistance of the President and the Assistant Treasurer, the Budget.

Assistant Treasurer
In addition to assisting the Treasurer as needed in the above responsibilities, the AT is primarily responsible for organization and oversight of large-scale purchasing on behalf of the PA. A good example, and probably the most important, is school supplies. The AT sometimes works closely with Camille to coordinate on necessary school expenditures.

The Treasurer and AT work together to share work in a way that makes sense for both of them.

Translation Secretary
The TS is a key position on the Board. Only the attention of a sensitive, dual-language, human being can provide parents an appropriately-nuanced, Spanish-language version of an English original. The TS role is practically important because our community is stronger when more of us are involved. It is ethically important because the PA represents and serves all parents.


Reach out to local officials

Contact our legislators to let them know how you feel about the State giving NY public school kids the money they are owed and deserve!


Robert Jackson
Our State Senator for District 31, includes a lot of Northern Manhattan

Alfred Taylor
State Assemblyman, 71st District, includes parts of Washington Heights, Hudson Heights

Manny De Los Santos
State Assemblyman, 72nd District, includes Inwood, parts of Washington Heights

Carl Heastie
Speaker, Assembly


Working List of Advocacy Groups

Alliance for Quality Education

Class Size Matters