Muscota PA

School traditions


Muscota has created fun, meaningful and community building events that teach children team work and creativity.


Muscota’s events are steeped in tradition—whose tradition? Our very own! Here is a list of events Muscota puts on each year:


Mad Hatter’s Day parade

The entire school community prepares for this big day for weeks! Children create hats inspired by a unit of classroom study and wear them on our Mad Hatters Day Parade. Parents are encouraged to join our school community as we parade around the block signing Mad Hatters songs, before returning to school for a special Town Meeting with the Mad Hatter.

Mad Hatter’s Ball

This is the annual fall carnival hosted by Muscota PA. We invite our entire community to put on crazy hats, costumes, and their dancing shoes! Each year, our Mad Hatter’s Ball includes a crafts, games, prizes, face painting, photo booth, dancing, great food for all and a toddler play area for the youngest members of our community.

Candlelight Night

Candlelight Night is a cherished tradition at Muscota that celebrates the Winter Solstice. Our whole Muscota “family” takes time to enjoy the musical performances of our K-5 students, teachers and parents.

Family Breakfast

Twice a year families gather in the classrooms to get to know each other and to share favorite breakfast dishes. Children perform songs, dances, and other special things they have learned together.

Cozy Learning Day

Pajama Day! Children, teachers and administration wear PJs to school for a day of learning and having fun in a more relaxed school environment.

Talent show

Hosted by our fifth grade elders, this Muscota tradition showcases the talents and collaborative spirit of our children and is a fun night out for out entire community.

Pi Day

Pi Day, held every March 14th (3/14) celebrates the math concept Pi, or 3.14, the numerical relationship of a circle’s circumference and diameter. Muscota’s school number is 314, so Pi day is very special for our school.


Every child in the school will produce a piece of art that will be framed and put on display. Children are taught to see themselves as artists as they see their work in a gallery setting. Parent volunteers help frame, hang, and sell art at the event. Monies raised from this event are used to support our Art program at Muscota.

Find out more about this year’s MuMA at

Annual gala auction

This is a parents’ evening out and the largest fundraiser for the PA. Parents are encouraged to secure donations from vendors and individuals to raffle and auction off for the event.

Field day

Muscota Field Day is a school wide day full of sports and games and school spirit. Parents are needed to help man the games, help with bathroom duty, snack duty and to take pictures, but all families are welcome to come even just to watch.

Moving on Ceremony

Our graduating students and their parents are honored in a ceremony where parents and teachers reflect on the unique qualities and accomplishments of our graduating class. Students are presented with their archive; a selection of their work from kindergarten to fifth grader showing, a momento of their time at Muscota and their growth as learners.